When a teenager goes missing from the Beacon of Hope School, Texas Ranger Wyatt Sheridan and school director Kate Winslow are forced into a dangerous struggle against a human trafficking organization.
But the battle brings dire consequences as Wyatt’s daughter is terrorized and Kate is kidnapped.
Now it’s personal, and Wyatt finds both his faith and investigative skills challenged as he fights to discover the mastermind behind the ring before evil destroys everyone he loves.
Rating: ✰✰✰ (3 out of 5 stars)
My Thoughts:
Kate is the director of a school for girls with troubled pasts. Wyatt is a Texas Ranger in the Child Rescue Taskforce. Together they fight to save a missing teenage girl and take down a human trafficking organization. This is a story of courage, fear, love, and most of all; this is a story of hope. Hope in the Lord, hope for a better life, and hope in second chances.
First of all, let’s talk about the characters! They were really engaging. Kate had communication issues with her parents. Wyatt had trouble with his teenage daughter Maddie, who was rebellious and craving independence. Wyatt’s mother struggled with being needy and flittering from man to man. Each person came with very real individual struggles. Everyone can relate and I always appreciate that in a book. No matter what age or gender, Saving Hope appeals to everyone. Then there was the suspense! It’s a real eye opener. Human trafficking and slavery is real. Not only 200 years ago, it’s right now. Not only did I like the suspense, but I really loved the love story. Wyatt and Kate were perfect for one another. Last but not least; faith. Faith was a huge part of Saving Hope. Kate said, “Fear is in your mind. You can overcome it if you want to. When the Lord is with you every step, you can do what you have to do.”
Overall this book was inspirational and exciting. I am looking forward to more in The Men of the Texas Rangers series!
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