Happy Tuesday!
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from the gals over at The Broke and the Bookish was a freebie of sorts, just Ten Reasons You Love X. I thought this was fabulous, of course, because anything that gives me a chance to fangirl makes me happy! Initially I was going to do a YA theme, but then I thought of how this was a perfect chance for me to talk tv shows, considering I’m a tv junkie and all. And what’s my favorite tv show?! Why, THE BLACKLIST of course. It was ridiculously easy for me to think of ten reasons why I love this super-cool series! If you guys watch this show, I hope you enjoy this list. And if you don’t, I hope it makes you want to give it a try! It’s that good, people.
Ten Reasons I Love The Blacklist
hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
1. Red’s mad storytelling skillz | You always know when Red starts telling his crazy yet somehow incredibly clever stories…stuff about to GO DOWN.
2. Liz’s (short lived) undercover blonde hair | I know this is no reason to love the show, but this hairdo ROCKED. Made me wish I could go blonde. (Which will never ever happen. *sigh*)3. Aram’s fangirl moments | He’s so adorable!
4. Plot twists for daysss | I literally never know what’s gonna happen on this show. It’s amazing.
5. Liz kicking butt | That girl can take down anyone.
6. Sparks conversation (and so many feels) | Every Thursday after my sister and I finish the episode, we can talk for an hour about it. I’m the one usually crying, with my sister trying (and failing) to comfort me.
7. Donald Ressler | ‘Nuff said, people. ‘Nuff said.
8. The redemption of Tom Keen | I love Donald, I really do. But I think Liz and Tom might be meant to be. Anyone who can can back from torture, kidnapping, spying, and all the other horrible things they did to each other, then still get married (again) and love one another…well, how can you not root for them?
9. Red and Liz’s father-daughter relationship | I JUST HEART THEM SO MUCH.
10. The writers who literally played THE WORLD | If you have seen this recent season, you know what I mean. YOU KNOW.
I honestly could go on, but you know what they say…so many gifs, so little time. (Or not…I don’t know where that came from.) Basically, GO WATCH IT! *wink* What about you guys? Do you watch The Blacklist? What do you love about this show? What’s your favorite tv show? Anything similar to recommend?Thanks so much for visiting Will Bake for Books! Comment below. ♥
Jess @ Little Book Heaven says
I haven’t seen this show. I actually don’t watch much tv anymore, books take over my tv time. Lol!
Bekah says
Oh, Jess! It’s so good though!! Haha, I totally understand that. Most days whenever I have free time I’m confused as to whether I should read a book on my TBR or catch up on a favorite show. The struggles of being a fangirl!! Lol. Thanks a BUNCH for visiting my blog! 🙂
Katherine Fleet says
I LOVE the Blacklist and your list pretty much includes all the reasons why! Love, love, love Tom and Liz together. I love Aram as well:) So happy that it’s renewed for another year!
Bekah says
Yay!! High five, Katherine! YES, I was so happy when I saw it was renewed. It’s one show that I hope stays on TV for a long time. And another YES to Tom and Liz. They have really grown on me. 🙂 Aram is a cutie. I hope we see more of him and Samar this coming season.
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate it. 🙂